Chromebooks: Web devices for student learning
We are a Google District, and that means that the most common device that we use is a Chromebook. Chromebooks are similar to laptops, but they run specialized software called Chrome OS instead of the more well-known Windows and Mac operating systems.
If you need to exchange your child's Chromebook due to a hardware malfunction or you are in need of a Chromebook for your child's virtual learning, please reach out to their school directly.
Questions or issues regarding the use of the Chromebooks can be directed to
Tips and Tricks for the Chromebooks
Just getting started? CLICK HERE to learn how to connect to WiFi.
Are you getting a message that the username or password is incorrect when logging in to the Chromebook?
First, be sure that your child is using their SLRSD Google Account along with their Google Password. CLICK HERE if you need more info on their account.
Next, be sure that you are connected to WiFi (directions above).
Finally, we have found that Chromebooks need an excellent WiFi signal in order to connect -- especially for the first time. Be sure to get as close to your WiFi access point as possible. Being able to have a clear line of sight with no walls, doors, or other obstructions will help greatly. Assuming this allows your child to log in, please wait about 5-10 minutes for the Chromebook to load all files before moving to another location that has less than optimal WiFi coverage.
Is your Chromebook running slow or behaving strangely? Try updating your Chromebook to the latest software. As of December 2024 all of our devices should be running Chrome OS 131. CLICK HERE for steps to update your Chromebook.
Is your Chromebook's touchpad not always working? Try these steps.
Make sure there is no dust or dirt on the touchpad.
Press the Esc key several times.
Drumroll your fingers on the touchpad for ten seconds.
Turn your Chromebook off, then back on again.
If you have more than one account on your Chromebook, delete the account that has problems with the touchpad, then re-add the account.
Get to know your keyboard keys ... CLICK HERE for more information.
Want to print using your Chromebook? Though Chromebooks are designed to be paperless devices, some printers do support printing. CLICK HERE to learn about printing with a Chromebook.